Sunday, August 05, 2007

My sweet sleepers

Some of you who check in on us with great frequency or who know us well, know that Brian and I don't spend much time away from the girls. We are a stay at home kind of a family, but Meme volunteered to take the girls for the weekend and Brian and I jumped at that opportunity.

Unfortunately, that came with a little hesitation and concern from this mother hen, who has never let her chicks spend the night away from home without Brian and I being there. So this was a first for us, but Brian and I REALLY needed some time away...away....away. We really enjoyed ourselves. These pictures aren't from this weekend, but last week when the girls discovered sleeping together again. They were just too sweet and I wanted to share them with everyone!

Poor things with their bed heads!! Cursed with the curly, frizzy hair, just like their mama!

Enjoy my pictures of my angels.

Night one of the co-sleeping. Molly has never been one for covers or "cuddling up" as we call it in the Stahl house.

However, Molly is known for being the BIGGEST bed hog (she learned that from her daddy)

Apparently, the second night of the co-sleeping they set up a divider in their tiny bed in the form of Sunshine Care Bear.


Anonymous said...

That hair is magnificent!!!

Amy said...

I just love pictures of little ones sleeping! Aren't they precious!? I'm glad you guys got away and enjoyed your weekend!

Rebecca said...

That just reminded me of how good it was to have a sister!!! My mom has pictures of me and my sister doing the same thing--except our dividing line was a cabbage patch doll. They are precious!!!

Marti Jo said...

Ok, too cute! Two ladybugs in the bed and the little one said.....