Monday, July 24, 2006

A Jean Jacket and The Incredible Hulk

(you wouldn't like me when I am angry) A quote from the Hulk for those of you who do not remember it. Sarah loved the jacket and Molly loved getting out more clothes to be worn on top of the jacket and outfit she was already wearing. By the time I got this picture I think there were 4 layers. That is why she looks so bulky!

I just want to be taller! Sarah would not take off the jacket for anything. Molly tried it on that day and hated it! She cried until I took it off.

Then 2 days later Molly finally got with the program and loved it. Of course because she didn't want me to I didn't snap it so she figured out how to take it off. Silly girl. They are both such hams for the camera.

Now this one is one of my favorites. The girls were playing with the left over nets I had from VBS and Brian and I put them on their heads and they looked like Little House on the Prairie girls. Too cute. It is funny to me how they will let you put ANYTHING on their heads!!!