Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm sad this morning....

Not really sad, but more aware today than yesterday. As a stay at home I desperately take my children for granted. They are precious and looking through pictures and watching them sleep at night reminds me of how precious they are. Many times throughout the day I wring my hands in frustration with 2 precious 2 year olds who mangage to tear my house apart just looking for self expression and a way to exercise some independence.

I read this blog this morning passed to me from another internet friend. It made me sad and my heart just break for this family, but more than that it made me appreciate my sweethearts more than ever. Maybe during the day I will think about this poor family and what they have lost and it will help me and other appreciate the spilled milk, torn apart closets, crayon colored on walls, and potty training accidents more. I hope it does the same for everyone else that reads what this family has gone through.

One of my all time favorite pictures of my sweeties!


Amy said...

Oh, how terribly sad. I cannot imagine what this family is going through. After reading something like that, we see how special and precious our children are and how much more we should appreciate every second with them!