Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 Things Tuesday

It has been a long time since I have done one of these. I guess I am not feeling very thankful here lately, shame on me.

1. Z-Pack. I am feeling so much better. Almost like a human being again.

2. My husband finally got his pay situation at work straightened out.

3. G2 Gatorade, Love it, Love it, Love it!

4. Mother's Day Out. Watch out, I am going to the bathroom alone....at least for 5 hours today.

5. I am thankful for our generator since we are still without power.

6. My husband, who built a new fuel tank that would keep the generator from having to be filled up for 3 days. He is a GENIUS!

7. All the utility workers who are STILL working hard to get power restored to us rural people.

8. Oatmeal....warm and filling.

9. My husband for taking good care of me and the kiddos while I was puny.....2 weekends in a row. I think he is starting to suspect something.

10. Hugs and sugars from my kiddos...man I missed those while I was still contagious.


Jenny said...

Love the Z-pack!! Hope you feel better soon!

Danna Ramsey said...

I've missed you! And yes, I am still praying for all those without power. Stokes Cattle Farm may never get it back!

Redhead Rambles said...

I love me some oatmeal. Glad you're feeling "human" again!

Ashleigh said...

man, i am glad your feeling better, because your sickies were even bringing me down!

and hoooo-rah for your smart & handy husband! he's a keeper :)

Abigail and Ansley said...

You might be able to braid their hair...but their curls are GORGEOUS!!!! :)