Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Sarah

I need to build this story up. First of all, Sarah broke her night light (she tends to be a little destructive at times). After she took it apart, the light bulb disappeared. Because this isn't the first time this has happened we used the last replacement light bulb a week ago. I bought some at the store today, but Brian forgot to reload the night light before he tucked them in. We had all three (yes, I said three) closet lights on, but they KNEW that night light wasn't plugged in. I gave it to Brian (so he could be the hero with the night light) to take to them to help calm the masses. Unfortunately, that didn't do it.

So I go in there and sit on the side of Sarah's bed trying to calm her down, since she has worked herself into a tizzy. I keep kissing her and rubbing her back and I finally told her to close her eyes. She looked up at me and with the most serious face she said, "I can't close my eyes, there are boogers in them".


Redhead Rambles said...

Cute! :)

Amy said...

Oh, what funny things they say! That's too cute!

Abigail and Ansley said...

LOL!!!!! I love the stories! Your girls are so precious!