Monday, March 10, 2008

More Snow!!!

Let me tell you, I think this was by far my favorite snow day, EVER!! I am sure when I was younger I enjoyed a good snow day, but this weekend was the best. Brian built the motherload of all sleds and we had a blast. He hooked it up to the Polaris and we took turns riding with the girls around the yard. It was so much fun, but I think maybe he may make a few adjustments for next year. Unfortunately one of us was either driving the polaris or riding with one of the girls so there are no pictures of the sled, but it was fun!!

One of the girls riding the 4 wheeler in the snow...plastic tires, no traction. So bascially Brian and I walked behind the girls pushing them through the snow. The girls had fun and Brian and I got some exercise.

We love snow and usually because of the way the wind blows we get HUGE snow drifts. As you can tell by Molly (on the left) stuck in one. She is waist deep in the snow.

Now, this is my favorite picture because of the story. We tried to build a snowman. Our top snow was so dry we couldn't get it to pack so it was the smallest snowman of all times. Sarah insisted that it have arms and then when we made a tiny head she said he needed a carrot nose. Of course we didn't have a carrot outside, so she settled for a pecan. However, when trying to put the pecan on, she knocked the head off and it rolled away. They both laughed and then proceeded to kick the rest of the snowman until he was just a small pile of snow. Funny!!!

Sophie chased Molly into a snow drift and she got "tuck".


Amy said...

Wasn't the snow fun while it lasted!? Looks like you guys had a great time!