Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ten Things Wednesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

While that isn't quite as catchy as 10 things Tuesday, I am running a bit behind. This overcast, groggy weather is making me feel sleepy, really sleepy so I went to bed at 8:30 last night so here is my no 1 -

1. My hubby helped the girls get to sleep last night while I climbed in bed and was asleep by 8:30.
2. My car and Brian's truck are small feat, but both are looking anyway.
3. Brian is coming home unusually early tonight and we will get to go outside and spend the evening together.
4. Tomorrow is MDO....yeah!!!
5. I am caught up on housework and laundry....all in the same day!
6. Parenting advice from other moms.
7. My sweet girls sharing with each other. There are probably 15 fights about not sharing during the day, but that one where they do share is super sweet.
8. Taking a shower this morning and my house not being a wreck when I got out.
9. The girls playing together, listening to their brains working out loud is so much fun.
10. Molly recognizing her name on her pillow and knowing that Sarah's pillow was on her bed at naptime and not her own.


Polly said...

MDO is a wonderful blessing from God! Have a great day!