Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thirteen Thursday

I love my husband, and most days I really like him too. Here are 13 reasons I love him so much even though he burned my bushes last night :(

13 Reason I Love My Husband

1. He shares bath time duties with me. I look forward to Fri, Sat and Sun nights of bath free nights for me.

2. He will say prayers with the girls even when I am not helping with bedtime.

3. I love the fact that even though he sees the girls almost every day, when dressing them he never knows what matches and what is play clothes and what is nice clothes.

4. I love that he thinks that this is good hair for the girls:

5. He makes me go outside to play (I am an inside air conditioner kind of girl) with the girls and I always have such a good time and find something to keep myself busy.

6. He always unloads my cases of water out of my Jeep for me even though we both know I am capable of doing it.

7. He has always changed the girls diapers (panties and training pants) without being asked. On a side note for anyone who didn't know this about my husband. The girls were born on a Wed and we didn't get to leave the hospital until the following Monday and I had not changed one single diaper in the hospital.

8. He can fix anything! And if he can't fix it he will find a way by reading a book, asking a friend or doing research.

9. He always lets the girls help him put things together and is so patient teaching me and them new things.

10. He has the most amazing reading comprehension. If I have a booklet or instruction manual, he generally reads it for me and gives me all the info I need so I don't have to read.

11. He never asks questions about how and where I spend money!

12. He knows my hormone changes during certain times of the month and knows when to bring me chocolate, pay me a compliment, or take the girls to the car wash to let me have 30 min to myself. Smart, smart man!

13. And the most important. He gets up and goes to work long hours every day and never misses work. Then he comes home with enough energy to play with the girls or fix something I have broken. The amazing thing is that he NEVER complains about work, NEVER! All you single girls out there....if you ever find a man like this....MARRY HIM!!!

13b. He puts up with me!


Danna Ramsey said...

You DO have a great husband, Jamie. Here's number 14: he's so darn easy-going and likable.

Polly said...

You have a great husband! Love the hair picture!

ashleigh said...

I remember Brian at the hospital when we came to see the just-born girls. He said, "You know the great thing about twins? One for you, and one for you--no waiting!" I knew right then he was going to be a great dad of twins. His personality lets him roll with the punches...and overlook bad bed-head and mismatched clothes :)

The Lanes said...

You must have read my mind because I blogged about my husband. It sounds like you got a really great guy.

Amy Barrett said...

I love the hair picture, my husband lets my girls dress themselves and fix their own hair when I am not here. How funny!

I love your blog skin!